
Personal Finance

Is financial wellness a part of overall wellness initiatives at companies?

Is ‘financial wellness’ missing in the wellness initiatives by companies? Anyone who has ever experienced loss of income, high debt, no security money will vouch for the fact that physical and mental well-being are highly impacted by our financial wellness. In fact, global research by PWC’s Employee’s Financial Wellness Survey, 2023, reveals that majority of […]

Is financial wellness a part of overall wellness initiatives at companies? Read More »

Earning well but not saving enough? Here’s what you can do to manage your finances!

Want to buy the latest Prada bag? But your EMIs and credit card bills keep getting in the way? Are you earning well, but your savings haven’t caught up yet? Well, you are not alone! The recent International Women’s day survey shows that most women in India don’t even save a minimum of 20% of

Earning well but not saving enough? Here’s what you can do to manage your finances! Read More »

Does a ‘woman-only’ community means ‘without men’?

When I launched Womoneysta, a personal financial literacy platform exclusively for women, many of my friends asked me – “why discriminate on gender? Money is gender-neutral.” While it is true that investment products per se aren’t biased to one gender against the other, the approach & inclusion of women in the financial world is far

Does a ‘woman-only’ community means ‘without men’? Read More »

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